31 may 2021 to 06 june 2021
31 May 2021 to 06 June 2021 This is the passing from 31 May 2021 To 06 June 2021. This is fixed open to close the record on Tuesday. In these games, I show which games who published on Tuesday in fix open to close and open to close games. Tuesday is the second day of these games. On a Tuesday playing a Time Bazer, New Golden Matka , Kalyan , Rajdhani day and night, Milan day and night, and Kalyan Night. Satta Matka MONDAY FIX OPEN TO CLOSE GAME In this open-to-close comes a 4 open and 4 close and 8 Jodi for all games. On a Monday Time Bazer open 1 pass but the close is failed and Jodi is not passed and Kalyan close 6 passes. MONDAY DATE 31/05/2021 TIME BAZER OPEN 1 PASS KALYAN CLOSE 6 PASS TUESDAY FIX OPEN TO CLOSE GAMES In this open-to-close comes a 4 open and 4 close and 8 Jodi for all games. On a Tuesday Milan day close 8 passe...